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KATE Journal に 「イヌ・ネコメソッド」論文掲載されました

たとえば award という英単語を 「イヌ」(注:関東アクセントの)という日本語単語の、pattern を「ネコ」のアクセントイメージで発音させてみる、という方法、その名もズバリ「イヌ・ネコメソッド」の効果を実証的に確かめた研究で、山形珠代さんとの共著論文です。



Yamataga & Shizuka (2015)
関東甲信越英語教育学会誌 第29号
KATE Journal vol. 29
pp. 15-28

Modeling English Word Accent Patterns on Their Japanese Equivalents: The Potential of the Inu-Neko Method

YAMAGATA Tamayo              SHIZUKA Tetsuhito
Gunma Prefectural Chuo Secondary School          Daito Bunka University


This study investigated the effects of modeling English word accent patterns on their Japanese equivalents. For example, “award” was modeled on inu, a Japanese word with a higher-pitched second syllable, and “pattern” was modeled on neko, with a higher-pitched first syllable; hence its name the Inu-Neko Method or INM. The research examined the effectiveness of the INM relative to using the traditional accent marks, the Accent Mark Method or AMM. Seventy-one Japanese EFL university students were randomly divided into two groups. First both groups read target words in a non-aided condition; the words read in this way were termed N-items. Next, one group read the same words using the AMM; the words read in this condition were termed A-items. The other group read the same words using the INM; the words read in this condition were termed I-items. The participants’ readings were rated for their accent appropriateness by L1-Japanese advanced English speakers. The ratings were many-facet Rasch analyzed and the difficulties of N-items, A-items, and I-items were compared. The results indicated that I-items were significantly easier than N-items, but not quite as easy as A-items, implying both possibilities and weaknesses of the INM. Examination of individual items revealed factors that modify the effects of the INM, based on which implications for teaching are discussed.